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Neisha is a versatile and virtuous pianist/singer/songwriter with a classical training. By the age of 16 she became the youngest member of the Slovenian composer's association.Her musical talent was quickly noticed by the professionals in the music industry and her debut album was released 3 years later. Titled simply 'Neisha' the album was released in 2005 on Slovenian Warner music branch-Nika Records. Album was an instantaneous success and has won Neisha the title of best selling album in 2006 followed by many important nominations and awards in Slovenia (SRF,Viktor,..). The record broke records in sale in Slovenian history.In the shortest time she sold so many records, that the album becamu platinum.Her soulful singing appealed to the masses and she appeared as the opening act and 'launched' MTV Adria the same year. 
By now she released 5 solo studio albums the last of them titled "VRHOVI" which made it straight to the radio charts. Neisha is considered one of the most acclaimed artists in Slovenia and in the region. Her performances and her dedication to music are astonishing and are still winning the audience.



Slovenian releases: (LP) Warner music-Nika records

Neisha 2005
Neisha 2006 (duble CD special edition includinig live recordings from Cankarjev dom 2006)
Nor je ta svet 2007
Krila 2010
Za vesoljke in kavboje 2013
Vrhovi 2016


Radiofonika 2012: feat. Slovenian nation television Big Band orchestra. Released on ZKP RTVSLO


International releases:

Miles away 2007 single: apeared on Warner music summer hits compilation in Ucraine

Milo moje 2007 single: released in Serbia

Miles away 2009(LP): released in croatia by Dallas records (EMI)

Na raskršću sna 2010 single: released in Bosnia and Hercegovina

Pronađi me 2010 single: released in Bosnia and Hercegovina


O Neishi.

Neisha je odlična glasbenica, ki odrske deske solo kariere brusi že 16 let, vse od nastanka njenega izrednega CD prvenca Neisha. Sledila so leta, ki so prinesla še veliko dobre glasbe in mnogih mednarodnih sodelovanj z glasbenimi velikani iz regije (Vlatko Stefanovski, Vlado Kreslin, Gibboni, Massimo, Parni Valjak, Branko Đurić, Aki Rahimovski, Valentino Kanzyani, Big foot mama, Pero Lovšin, Zoran Predin, Slovenska filharmonija, Simfonični orkester in Big Band RTV Slovenija, orkestra Slovenske policije in vojske, Tokac, Dan D, Kornelije Kovač in mnogi drugi...).

Neishin zadnji album se imenuje Vrhovi in je postregel s kopico čudovitih skladb (Vrhovi, Bežim, Prihaja maj..), ki osvajajo vrhove glasbenih lestvic. Skladba Vrhovi je bila med najbolj predvajanimi skladbami na radijskih valovih leta 2017. 

Neisha se je z leti razvila v odlično glasbeno ustvarjalko in performerko, ki obvlada oder, predvsem pa se najbolj posveti dinamiki, virtuoznosti in dialogu s svojo cenjeno publiko.Trenutno se posveča novemu studijskemu albumu, ki naj bi izšel spomladi 2022, do takrat nas bo pa razsveseljevala z svojimi singli in sodelovanji.


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